I’ll admit it: I have a slight pretty substantial crush on Felicia Day. I first came across her when she played Penny in Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and she got my attention by twittering under the table at Comic Con. When I finally got around to watching The Guild, a web sitcom about a WoW guild’s meatspace exploits—which she writes, produces, and stars in—I was smitten for good (the nifty glasses don’t hurt, either).
Anyway, fanboy gushing aside, I actually have a point. The Onion‘s got a terriffic interview with her over on the A.V. Club, in which she talks about WoW, Dr. Horrible, growing up as an Army brat, and, most importantly, the business of making TV for the internet. It’s a pretty in-depth interview, and worth checking out, especially if you want to learn a little bit about what goes on behind the scenes of creator-crafted internet shows like The Guild.